About The Holmans

Hello from the Holmans!  We are an average family of 13, seeking to help people know God better and love Him more.  After serving as a pastor in the States since 1988, Joe felt called to go to Bolivia.  So, in 2007, they moved to the beautiful city of Cochabamba Bolivia and have been serving there ever since.  They are missionaries with Ripe For Harvest World Evangelism.

My blog is nothing more than what I am thinking about at the time.  I hope that you enjoy reading it.

If you are interested in more detailed information, especially if you are considering joining our support team, please feel free to click on any of the following links.  If you want more information, do not hesitate to email me at:  Bolivianjoe@gmail.com

To see our ministry vision, statement of faith, core values and what we are currently doing, please click The Ministry Of The Holman Family.

To see Joe's resume, click Resume Of Joe Holman.

To read Joe and Denise's testimony and call to the mission field, click Testimony and Call.